
Hello, I came here to announce that Soviet Vaticano is getting a sequel. 


There is nothing I can show now because the game is still in early development, but I can say that the proposal of this one is to be what Soviet Vaticano failed to be. Soviet Vaticano was rushed because of the game jam, several ideas went misused. And graphically we also want to improve, the MSX 1 can be limited, but it's possible to play with the limitations to create great things.

If you want to follow the dev, please check my Twitter.

I,  SrLavor, am the lead dev of the project.

The rest of the team is composed by:

Potatosilver102/Hmm (Spriter and general help)

Jovitz (Composer)

Seniorblastoise (Composer), this one is a new member, a friend of ours.



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